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Deryck's book blog

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The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald
F. Scott Fitzgerald
August 2013
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reviewed: The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel
I really loved this book. On the surface, it's a simple fantasy tale, but underneath, it's quite deep and revealing, just lik...
The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel - Neil Gaiman, Neil Gaiman
finished reading:
May 2013
reviewed: Ender's Game (Ender Wiggin Series #1)
An interesting and compelling read, even if thematically incoherent at times. I read this book on a friend's recommendation. ...
Ender's Game (Ender Wiggin Series #1) -
finished reading:
July 2012
reviewed: Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World
Like all books this year, I took my time getting through this one. I really enjoyed it, though by the last few chapters it se...
Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World - Jane McGonigal
finished reading:
January 2012
finished reading:
January 2012
reviewed: The Imperfectionists
The writing is superb in this book, and the story is decent. The ending scene is a bit heavy-handed to me, so I didn't leave...
The Imperfectionists -
finished reading:
November 2011
reviewed: Rebirth (Green Lantern Graphic Novels)
The story is absolutely fantastic. Terrific writing with a solid plot and nice dialog. The art is good but not amazing. The a...
Green Lantern: Rebirth - Geoff Johns, Prentis Rollins, Ethan Van Sciver, Brad Meltzer
finished reading:
October 2011
reviewed: The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses
This is a good book. I took my time with it, but really enjoyed it. It's very high level as other reviews suggests, so if y...
The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses - Jesse Schell
finished reading:
August 2011
finished reading:
March 2011
reviewed: Making of Second Life: Notes from the New World
This is a good book on the history of making Second Life. I've long been an SL user and advocate, despite it's short comings,...
The Making of Second Life: Notes from the New World - Wagner James Au
finished reading:
July 2010
reviewed: Coaching Youth Soccer: A Baffled Parent's Guide
This is a really good book for learning some basics of coaching soccer. Saved my life this spring, and I finished it off on ...
Coaching Youth Soccer: A Baffled Parent's Guide - Bobby Clark, Nomad Communications
finished reading:
March 2010
reviewed: Making an Elephant
This book on his life and writing is good, though not as good as other books I've read like this. I enjoyed the personal pas...
Making An Elephant: Writing From Within - Graham Swift
finished reading:
February 2010
finished reading:
February 2010
reviewed: Underworld
I read this some while back, during a break from college if I recall. I was hearing a lot about it as this great book, but I...
Underworld - Don DeLillo
reviewed: In the Lake of the Woods
I can't believe I'm quitting a Tim O'Brien Book. He is one of my favorite authors. In fact, I would be hard pressed to pick...
In the Lake of the Woods - Tim O'Brien
finished reading:
February 2010
reviewed: 1984
I've read this 4 times at least. One of my favorite books.
1984 -
reviewed: Animal Farm: Centennial Edition
I'm not as enamored by this as 1984. But it's still a good book, certainly.
Animal Farm: Centennial Edition -